Travel Prints

Travel photo prints are more than just pictures. They are tangible reminders of your travels, works of art, conversation starters, sources of inspiration, and a way to support local artists.

Buying Your First Home as a Single Female: A Guide …

Are you tired of renting and ready to take the leap into homeownership as a single female? It can be daunting, but it’s also an exciting and empowering journey. With some research and planning, you can make your dream of owning a home a reality.

How to Decorate your Home with Plants

Indoor plants, in my opinion, are a very important part of interior design. They have the ability to help even the most sterile spaces look lively and really brighten up space. Let’s chat about the different ways on how to decorate your home with plants in a chic way!

5 Indoor Plants for Beginners!

Want to have a jungalow vibe in your home but are worried about keeping your plants alive? Check out my top 5 indoor plants for beginners that are hard to kill even for those with the blackest of thumbs!

*Free* Digital Art + Framing

As a history major, I have always been aware of the goldmine that is the online collection of the Library of Congress, but I have…