Indoor plants, in my opinion, are a very important part of interior design. They have the ability to help even the most sterile spaces look lively and really brighten up your space. Plants are great for air quality reasons but they are mood boosters too!
I am a big fan of having indoor plants. If you have seen the virtual tour from last Christmas of the Hudson House, you may have noticed the abundance of plants that I have! But not even 5 years ago, I didn’t own a plant and when I made the mistake of purchasing something, without fail I always killed them. Even those “cannot be killed plants.”
Oh, how time has changed. Nowadays, it takes me a solid 30 minutes to water my plants each week. But not all plants are created equal when it comes to how much attention they need. Some are very temperamental and some are easy breezy!
Check out my top 5 indoor plants for beginners that are very easy to keep alive, even for those with the blackest of thumbs!

The best indoor plants for beginners
Listen, I know everyone says that succulents are the easiest plants to own and never kill but I think everyone is a big ol’ liar because I have yet to not kill one single succulent. They are HARD!
Pothos plants are the mac-daddy of plants for beginners. They are pretty quick growing (meaning you actually see the fruits of your labor), über easy to care for, and usually suitable for any place in your home. They are oh so viney and perfect for crawling shelves and walls, or for a good old dangling over a mantle. This one is honest #1 in my list (and my heart) for indoor plants for beginners for obvious reasons.
My most beloved plant is my pothos plant in my living room fireplace. I got it as a “Congrats” gift when I opened my photography studio back in 2015 and it’s still alive and thriving. I have cut so many vines to propagate and have since created more plants.

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Sansevieria aka Snake Plant
One of my favorite plants is my snake plant. I love the height it brings to the place I have it as well as the fun pattern and colors. This is one is very low-maintenance and requires very little light. I seriously just feel the soil and water it and forget it.
I also love my snake plant because you can easily propagate it and create new plants! Just cut about an inch above the bottom of the individual leaf and plop it in some water. In a few weeks, roots should start growing!

Schefflera arboricola aka Umbrella Plant
If you are looking for a plant that grows quickly and can be neglected every now and then, the umbrella plant is the way to go! They love indirect sunlight but can really adapt to low-light areas as well. They require more water in the hotter months, but in the winter, watering needs to be modified. Just do the tried-and-true finger test and water if the soil is dry.
I have heard that they thrive in bathrooms since these plants originate from tropical places. The steam from your showers will make it one happy plant. I may move mine to my bathroom and see how it goes!

Dieffenbachia Seguine aka Tropic Snow
Tropic Snow, also known as “dumbcane” which is insanely funny but neither here nor there, is really great for indoors because they filter your air the best. I am constantly surprised by how easy they are. But they are pretty dramatic plants. If you miss watering them, they will immediately begin to wilt. But that is what makes them super easy because they tell you they need water if you forget. They perk up immediately like I do when I see the waiter coming with my food. Just be sure to put these in a spot that gets lots of light. They soak it up!

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If you are looking for a plant that can be planted and forgotten (accidentally or otherwise), I recommend a palm! They are slow growers and very low-maintenance. I purchased one at an estate sale and it’s in my rarely used dining room so sometimes I forget to water it. But it’s thriving and living its best life near my windows.
I have learned the best method to determining when this one needs water is to stick your finger in the soil about 2 inches or so and if it’s dry, water that baby! I love the texture and height it brings to my space.

*BONUS* Faux Plants
Although not a real living and breathing plant, faux plants are also perfect for beginners because they need literally no upkeep. I love that my house is a mix of real and faux plants because sometimes, I don’t want to have to worry about dragging plants to my kitchen sink and water them!

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